A shared curriculum
Five academic subjects, every day, every year: English, history, science, math, modern language.
It seems so simple. Classic even. The foundation of American education. At Falmouth Academy we recognize that the skills our students learn in traditional subject areas every day are the skills they'll need for success in college and beyond.
In small classes, teachers guide students in mastering close reading, original research, clear and thoughtful speaking and writing as daily habits. This begins in Middle School, along with an emphasis on skill building, emerging independence and time management. It continues in Upper School with increasingly sophisticated and advanced subject matter.
Our sequential course of studies establishes the academic foundation while reinforcing the value of membership in a shared intellectual community. As a result, classes are thoughtful, lively reservoirs of discourse, and the discussions continue in the hallways, at lunch, during breaks in athletic practices, and at home across the dinner table.
Our Signature Programs, including robust electives in the arts, enhance the curriculum and move learning beyond five academic subjects.