Educate, Engage, and Empower
The events of the past few years show that no single "challenge of our times" exists in isolation. Falmouth Academy students are being educated in a time of extraordinary and increasingly destabilizing global change.
The well-educated person is the one who can recognize, adapt to, find the opportunity in, and ideally mitigate the effects of such instability whether it be sociopolitical, technological, environmental, or, as is most often the case, a combination of all three.
Changing Earth is a ninth-grade cross-curricular journey that focuses on global change and the relationship between humans and the natural world. The program is an outgrowth of Falmouth Academy's recent strategic plan and addresses these topics across disciplines in science, English, and history.
"We are encouraging students not only to investigate the complex ways in which the planet and human society have been shaped by change but also to implement actions to change the Earth they will inherit."
- Monica Hough, English teacher
Changing Earth
Being located on the southwestern tip of Cape Cod in a vulnerable coastal community that is surrounded by world-renowned scientific institutions, Falmouth Academy is uniquely motivated and situated to study the effects of climate change with experts in the field.
In addition to rolling out this new program, Falmouth Academy assembled a Global Change Advisory Panel made up of scientists and thought leaders from area institutions that will provide guidance on strategic and curricular decisions. A list of members is located on the left.
The Changing Earth Program kicked off fall of 2021 with local trips to explore climate science, sustainable agriculture, and coastal habitats. The 9th grade toured Woodwell Climate Research Center, spent the day at Bay End Farm, and traveled to Penikese, part of the Elizabeth Island chain.