
Planned Gifts

Realize Your Philanthropic Vision

The J.K. Lilly III Society—honoring Josiah K. Lilly, whose visionary gift of 34 acres established the campus we call home—celebrates those who choose to shape the future of Falmouth Academy through planned or deferred giving. By making a legacy gift, you help secure the foundation for future generations of Mariners, ensuring they have the opportunity to benefit from a transformative Falmouth Academy education.

Legacy gifts are profoundly meaningful to the Academy, providing enduring support for our mission. We encourage all donors considering a planned gift to seek advice from an attorney or tax advisor.

Let us help you plan your giving. Our Development team will work closely with you and your advisors to create a gift plan that aligns with your financial, philanthropic, and estate planning goals. Please refer to our Gift Acceptance Policy for more details.

Leave a lasting mark that will be remembered by generations of Mariners.

If you have questions about planned giving, please contact Katharine Enos, Director of Development, at or call 508-457-9696.

Planned Giving Options

List of 4 items.

  • Insurance Policy or IRA

    You may name Falmouth Academy as the beneficiary of an insurance policy or Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Since you remain the owner of the policy or IRA, you may change the beneficiary at any time. Thus, this type of gift does not take effect until the death of the donor, at which time it is eligible for an estate tax deduction. An IRA is a particularly good choice for making charitable gifts because FA will receive the full amount of the IRA without reduction for income taxes.
  • Life Income Gifts

    Life Income Gifts such as a Charitable Remainder Trust can provide you tax advantages, an income in your lifetime, and a sizable legacy gift to the school. A remainder trust allows a donor to transfer assets to a trust and reserve the right to retain income from the asset for life or a period of years. A gift to a Charitable Remainder Trust is eligible for an income tax deduction currently and an estate tax deduction for the remainder paid to Falmouth Academy when the trust terminates. When the assets are sold or reinvested by the trustees, capital gains tax is also avoided. A Charitable Lead Trust allows a donor to transfer assets to a trust from which the income is paid to FA for a specified period. At the end of that period, the assets may be distributed or held for a donor’s beneficiaries. This type of trust may reduce a donor’s current income tax liability for the term of the trust, while ultimately preserving the underlying assets for loved ones. Always consult your own trusted financial advisors and tax attorneys for the most up to date information about these kinds of opportunities.
  • Qualified Charitable Distribution

    Individuals who are 701/2 or older may make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), which permits annual direct transfers to Falmouth Academy totaling up to $100,000 of tax-deferred IRA savings. QCDs may be made from any IRA or individual retirement annuity, but not from a simplified employee pension, a simple retirement account or an inherited IRA.
  • Will or Trust

    A will or trust is the cornerstone of an estate plan. Including Falmouth Academy in your will or trust is as easy as including “To Falmouth Academy at 7 Highfield Drive in Falmouth, Massachusetts, I leave _____.” You may specify a certain dollar amount, a specific property, a stated percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate. You may also stipulate that the gift support a particular purpose. Unrestricted planned gifts are customarily directed by the Board of Trustees toward the endowment for the fiscal sustainability of the school.
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